Map a stream of promises to the latest

Let’s assume that I have a function that creates a promise. When this function is called consecutively, I want the last promise to succeed and all others to reject if they have not already been resolved.

This sounds similar to flatMapLatest from RxJS. The way I solved this problem is as follows:

// function that creates a promise
// it resolves after 1 second.
function makePromise() {
    return new Promise((res, rej) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 1000);

function latest(fn) {
    // we use function call count
    // to check if it is the last function call
    // when the promise resolves
    let count = 0;

    // don't use arrow function to have the same
    // `this` context as the original function call
    return function() {
        let currCount = ++count;
        const countChecker = (x) => {
            // reject promise if this is not the last
            // function call
            if(currCount !== count) {
                return Promise.reject('Chain broken');

            // if we don't reject, return the same resolved
            // value
            return x;
        return fn.apply(this, arguments)

// example usage:
const newMakePromise = latest(makePromise);

const success = () => console.log('Success');
const fail = () => console.log('Fail');

newMakePromise().then(success, fail);
setTimeout(() => newMakePromise().then(success, fail), 500);

// Output:
// Fail
// Success

I can put the promise returned by newMakePromise between any two promises to break a promise chain:

const chainBreaker = latest(makePromise);

const refreshData = () => {
    return makeRequest().then(store).then(chainBreaker).then(display);

/* The following will `makeRequest` and `store` twice but `display`
   only the last one